Classes of Membership

A. Active Member . Active Members of PCMS shall be legally qualified doctors of medicine or osteopathy whose principal place of practice or residence is located in Pueblo County, Colorado. All Active Members shall enjoy all the rights and privileges of membership, including the right to vote and hold office as provided in the Bylaws.

B. Active Member Emeritus . Active Member Emeritus classification shall be accorded for life unless the member returns to the practice of medicine 20 or more hours per week thereby relinquishing the right to that classification. All Active Members Emeritus shall enjoy all the rights and privileges of membership, including the right to vote and hold office as provided in the Bylaws, and pay dues as set by the PCMS Board of Directors. An Active member may apply for Active Emeritus Classification if any of the following circumstances occur:

  1. A member who has been a dues-paying member of the PCMS and who is retired or works less than 20 hours per week.
  2. An Active Member who because of unusual circumstances has petitioned the PCMS Board of Directors for special consideration.

C. Active Member Dues Exempt . An Active Member may be reclassified Active Member Dues Exempt if a temporary financial hardship reduces the physician’s practice or occupation to less than half time. This temporary financial hardship may result from physical disability, major illness or personal catastrophe. Active Members Dues Exempt shall enjoy all the rights and privileges of membership, including the right to vote and hold office as provided in the Bylaws. A member approved for Active Member Dues Exempt status shall receive, upon request, a pro rata refund of dues paid. The PCMS Board of Directors shall annually review members in this classification.

D. Active Member Part-Time . Unless elected as a result of a reduced-dues membership promotion, Active Members practicing half time or less shall pay 50% of annual active dues. Half time or less shall be defined as an average of less than 20 hours per week in a calendar year in medically-related fields, e.g., direct patient care, administration, academia, etc., for which remuneration is received. Professional liability insurance rates may be considered in determining this classification. Active Member Part-Time shall enjoy all the rights and privileges of membership, including the right to vote and hold office as provided in the Bylaws. The PCMS Board of Directors shall annually review members of this classification.

E. Active Member – Military . Physicians on full-time military duty shall be accorded a reduced dues classification for as long as they perform full-time military service on active duty in the uniformed services stationed in Colorado. They shall be required to pay 35% of annual active dues. Active Member – Military shall enjoy all the rights and privileges of membership, including the right to vote and hold office as provided in the Bylaws. The PCMS Board of Directors shall annually review members of this classification.

F. Associate Member Graduate and Student . Residents, Fellows and students enrolled in training programs recognized by the American Medical Association or the American Osteopathic Association living in or attending medical school in the state of Colorado shall enjoy all the rights and privileges of membership with the exception of voting or holding office.

G. Associate Member . Medical providers who have been elected to any form of membership other than Active shall enjoy all the rights and privileges of membership with the exception of voting and holding office. Associate Members must meet one of the following qualifications:

  1. Dentists who hold a degree of DMD or DDS.
  2. Physician Assistants (PA) and Nurse Practitioners (NP) in good standing.
  3. Podiatrists.
  4. Physicians practicing in this city but hold membership in the Component Society that has jurisdiction over the territory in which his or her major professional office is located or in which he/she resides.

H. Honorary Member . Pueblo County Medical Society members may elect as an Honorary Member any exceptionally distinguished person who has made significant contribution to the constitutional purposes of this Society and whose nomination shall have been approved first by the PCMS Board of Directors.  Honorary Members shall be exempt from all dues and special assessments but shall enjoy all other rights and privileges of membership with the exception of voting and holding office . Honorary Members do not need to be members of the Colorado Medical Society.

I. Inactive Member . Dues-paying Active members of the Pueblo County Medical Society who wish to maintain an affiliation with PCMS and anticipate further reinstatement to membership may request inactive status for a period of six or more months. An Inactive Member shall not be required to pay dues during the time of inactivity but shall enjoy other rights and privileges of membership with the exception of voting and holding office . Inactive Members can apply to PCMS for reinstatement. Inactive status is appropriate for members in missionary service, absence from the state for a period of time, sabbatical or other educational absences or illness, etc., or as determined by the PCMS Board of Directors.

J. Non-Physician Member . Non-Physician Members of the Pueblo County Medical Society are non-physicians who have been elected by members to any form of Society membership other than active and honorary membership. Non-Physician Members shall be exempt from all dues and special assessments but shall have all other rights and privileges of membership with the exception of voting and holding office . Non-physician members must be in good standing, and meet one of the following qualifications:

  1. Teachers of medicine or of the sciences allied to medicine, who are citizens of the United States and are ineligible for Active Membership;
  2. Individuals engaged in endeavors related to medicine who have attained distinction in their fields of endeavor as determined by the component society and/or the Board of Directors of the Pueblo County Medical Society.