Don’t tune out on burnout; engage with colleagues at May 23 CME event

PCMS will hold an event the evening of May 23 focusing on physician wellness and burnout. I hope you will watch your email for more information and make plans to join us, no matter your current state of practice. Consider these quick statistics.

  • Physicians spend, on average, 30 percent of their time documenting progress notes.
  • Physicians spend, on average, 3.17 hours on "desktop medicine" each day.
  • Physicians spend up to 86 minutes of pajama time nightly with EHRs.
  • Only 27 percent of a physician's day is spent meeting one-on-one with patients.

Is this you? A colleague or friend? A consultant who shadowed me for an entire shift revealed that I spent 51 percent of my time in the chart. Emergency medicine doctors really do spend half their time documenting. 

Jeffrey Moody, MD, our guest speaker, is currently finishing his first book on physician burnout. He's passionate about helping his "colleagues save their careers, regain their mojo for medicine and have a better life" which is no small task. Please plan to attend our CME event and gain real life strategies from Dr. Moody to combat burnout on an individual and system-wide basis. 

Registration is coming soon; email [email protected] to get a head start on saving a seat.

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Our Regular Schedule


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm



